I have been Deputy Headteacher and SENDCo at Bowker Vale Primary School since 2013, having previously been the Assistant Headteacher for one year.

I work closely with the Head, two Assistant Heads and the leadership team to develop, and lead on, priorities for our school and am passionate about achieving the best possible outcomes for all our pupils.

I have completed the National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination, lead on assessment and attendance, am a designated person for child protection and designated teacher for Looked After Children.

During my teaching career I have taught across all Key Stages, with the most experience in Early Years and Key Stage One.

Current Scheduled CPD Opportunities

In addition to being available for deployment to support specific schools, Jen is involved in the planning and design of the following Scheduled Professional Development Opportunities which are open to all.

View our rates and the deployment process


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