I have held the position of Maths Subject Leader since September 2001 and I work hard to ensure Maths is given a high priority within my school as I constantly strive to improve the teaching and learning of it. I support colleagues through, for example, delivering staff meetings, giving advice on how to teach tricky maths objectives, preparing Lesson Study projects to introduce new approaches, arranging training for staff with gaps in their subject and pedagogical knowledge and ensuring that teachers have the manipulatives necessary for children to develop a deep understanding. The last few years have been particularly rewarding as teachers at St Paul’s have embraced the redesigned curriculum with enthusiasm and passion and now show eagerness and determination in developing an approach to mastery in keeping with the needs of our pupils.
I lead by example and constantly seek to improve my own teaching of maths. In 2014 I completed a two year course with M.M.U to become a Maths Specialist Teacher (MaST) and in April 2014 I gained the Professional Development Accredited Lead status from the NCETM. Both served to deepen the knowledge I have developed through embracing the role of Maths Subject Leader for the last fifteen years.