I am a qualified Chartered Accountant but made the transfer into Education in 2003 when I joined Acacias CPS to lead their finance team. I have completed CSBM & DSBM and a Masters in Education Leadership & Management and now my remit as Assistant Head includes assessment, data analysis, attendance, as well as the full responsibilities of school business management.

As an accredited SLE I offer school to school support in the areas of data analysis and school business management.   Recent deployments have covered the following areas

  • Audit of administration support services at a primary school and production of a report with the aim of reducing headteacher workload
  • Audit of catering services in a High School including support for the catering manager in managing staff
  • Preparation of a cost/benefit analysis report for a special school reviewing the implications of multi-centre working

Acacias Community Primary School

Acacias Community Primary is a large, over-subscribed, highly successful school, where children achieve to their full potential (2-form entry school with 484 children as at June 2017).

The school has a good reputation for consistently high attainment in KS2 SATs with strong progress from a very low entry baseline. This level of performance has been sustained over a number of years. In 2013 we were acknowledged as being in the top 250 schools nationally. We were a KS2 qualifier in the 2015 pupil premium awards.

The school has 60%+ of children with English as an Additional Language and over 80% of the children come from minority ethnic groups giving the school a rich and vibrant community. Children join Acacias significantly below age related expectations. Many have little or no English and most have poor social skills, with a high level of Speech, Language and Communication needs. By the end of Reception attainment is approaching National average. KS1 attainment in reading, writing and maths is just above national average.

Overall progress for KS2 pupils in 2016 in reading and maths was significantly above national average (top 10% of schools nationally) and Writing progress was in line with national average.

Acacias is committed to maximising the progress of all children and enabling them to achieve extremely well in end of key stage assessments but also to do this in the context of a broad and balanced curriculum. In addition to success in core curriculum areas other strengths of the school are computing, art and music.

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