I firmly believe that the key to success in education is ensuring that our focus should always be clear and have a moral purpose.  My people-centred approach has developed the science department at Trinity C of E High School into a highly successful team who enthusiastically contribute, support one another, work collaboratively, and act on their initiative.  We consistently achieve excellent results at GCSE, and are awaiting our first Key Stage 5 results at both AS and A level.

I am also responsible for leading the development of our school’s target setting, tracking and reporting systems.  I led the ‘post-levels’ change at Key Stage 3 at Trinity, working with colleagues from a group of Manchester schools

In previous roles I have mentored trainee teachers during PGCE and Graduate Teacher Programme  courses, and am currently coaching colleagues through their National Professional Qualification in Leadership projects.

As a Physics specialist I work with my team to address key areas of student misconception.  My work as an examiner for GCSE and A Level Physics enables me to have a clear understanding of common mistakes and advise both teachers and students in the best way of approaching exams.

I thoroughly enjoy my work as an Specialist Leader of Education, listening to teachers working in different contexts, creating solutions together, and supporting them on their journey.