Our Trainees

Teach Manchester provides a School Direct Initial Teacher Training Route.  Over the course of their training year our trainees have undertaken at least two placements, attended an alliance run programme of professional studies and are working towards being awarded a PGCE by our partner universities.

We have had a 100% employment rate for our trainees; and here are some of the schools that they were employed by.

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Pioneer House School

Strengths: Careers Education, Employability Skills, SENS, T+L, SEMH/Behaviour, TeamTeach, Vocational Learning

Brentwood High School

Rodney House School

Webster Primary School

Ashbury Meadow Primary School

Strengths: EYFS, SEND, Maths, School Improvement, RRSA, Nurture Schools, Inclusion

Bowker Vale Primary School

Strengths: SEMH, EYFS, Phonics, Leadership support, Forest School, Year 1 Provision

Barlow RC High School

Loreto RC High School

Ashgate Primary Specialist Support School

St Mary’s C.E. Primary School

Strengths: Phonics, Mastery Maths, EYFS Maths, Reading, Lesson Study, EYFS, Co-operative learning

St Peter’s RC High School

Strengths: Schools Direct ITT

Piper Hill Specialist Support High School

Strengths: SEND, EHCPs, Behaviour, TeamTeach, Autism specific strategies, Mental health and wellbeing

Loreto Sixth Form College

Strengths: Post-16 assessment, T+L, Post-16 pastoral/safeguarding, Post-16 careers advice and guidance

Melland High School

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