My name is Neil Long and I am Deputy Headteacher and mathematics Specialist Leader of Education (SLE) at Ashbury Meadow Primary School.

Having been Deputy Headteacher for a period of 6 years, and having achieved NPQH, my core interest and experience has been developing whole school improvement in teaching and learning and assessment. Through programmes of Continuing Professional Development and mentoring, I am passionate about developing others to secure their success and positive impact.

I work collaboratively as part of a highly effective Senior Leadership Team at Ashbury Meadow where our core business is to ensure that all pupils reach their full potential through a culture of high expectations in an outstanding learning environment.

I have been mathematics leader in my school for a period of eight years ever since undertaking the Mathematics Specialist Teacher programme (MAST). Being a mathematics SLE, I have successfully supported the development of mathematics in other schools.  I have long been interested in mathematical pedagogy, how children develop their conceptual understanding in mathematics and I wish to instill this passion in others.

I am part of the team delivering the National Professional Qualification in Middle Leadership for Teach Manchester.